Back before all the leaves fell from the trees I decided to head down to the creek and take a few photos of the fall foliage with the creek, which tends to be clearer and bluer in the fall than in the summer.
Oddly enough, I decided all of the photos were more interesting as black and whites than color. It’s difficult to wipe out the colors of fall, and the blue of the creek, but sometimes color gets in the way of form, and in the case of these, the form turned out to be more interesting than the colors.
These photos were all taken towards the far corner of the farm, where the creek is particularly still and calm. I like this spot, especially where the Sycamore’s create a nice canopy over the creek. It’s a fun section to kayak through, and just after this point is one of my favorite quick runs on Center Creek.
All 3 of these shots were taken at a wide 17mm focal length.