I’ve been crazy busy this fall, and much of this year it seems, and haven’t been able to do a ton of nature photography. But I’ve managed to take a few shots here and there. Fall is always my favorite time of the year to be outside. The air is cool, but not yet cold, and the trees are ablaze in a full spectrum of colors.
While I’ll admit that fall foliage in Missouri may not be quite as vibrant as our New England counterparts, perhaps due to our warmer and dryer climate, I think it’s really quite spectacular here in the month of October and early November.
These were all taken in various locations here in southwestern Missouri over the last month with a 24-105 lens and of course the filter no nature photographer should be without – a circular polarizer!
I took a hike with my daughter a few weeks ago and enjoyed this particularly colorful patch of forest. The yellows are mostly Hickory and the reds are Oaks.
I liked this dry creek bed, with a huge mess of yellow leaves surrounding it. I’ve hiked this trail many times and never once seen this creek with water, even after a rain. It must drain very quickly!
Table Rock Lake with a variety of trees on the hills, Sycamore, Oak, maybe a few Hickory and the evergreen Cedars.
Here is an area with an abundance of Sugar Maple and a small stream.
A pretty hollow at the early onset of the fall colors.