I like art, and I like downtown areas so naturally Joplin’s artwalk is something I enjoy. Joplin’s “Third Thursday” artwalk has gradually transformed from just an artwalk into more of a community downtown festival, which has a different theme or main event every month. The art isn’t necessarily the sole or primary focus anymore, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. The event draws pretty large crowds on a regular basis and it’s fun to get out and walk around with hundreds, maybe thousands of other Joplinites and enjoy the ever-evolving downtown scene.
Mom and Eily-Beth and I went out to enjoy September’s 3rd Thursday and had a great time.
Here is Joplin’s downtown, temporarily closed to all but foot traffic. The building on the left is City Hall.
We stopped for some goodies at the semi-new Joplin Ave Coffee Company. Quite a neat place with good coffee, atmosphere and not as expensive as Starbucks. Here is mom, the urban hipster.
The Joplin YMCA was doing Zumba in the street. Eily-Beth wanted to participate.
Local Color Gallery, an artist cooperative. One of the many great places to view art during Third Thursday.
One of Joplin’s magnificent “skyscrapers”. I always thought this building was kind of neat.